Our Team

  • Team
  • Engineer Moris Thibenda

Engineer Moris Thibenda

Position: Laboratory manager
  • Education
    • Master of Science in Transport Planning and Engineering, Newcastle University - United Kingdom
    • Master of Business Administration – Risk and Investment, Uganda Management Institute
    • Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management, Uganda Management Institute, Kampala
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Building Engineering, Kyambogo University - Uganda
  • Membership in Professional Associations
    • Corporate member of the Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers
    • Registered Engineer with the Uganda Engineers Registration Board
    • Member of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation – United Kingdom
  • Continous Professional Development & Training (Selected)
    • Project Planning and Management Concepts and Primavera P6, CADD Centre – Uganda
    • Introduction to Road Safety Audits, Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Centre
    • Monitoring and Evaluation of Engineering Projects, Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers
    • World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Africa BIGRS 2020-25, World Bank and iRAP
    • Road Safety Engineering, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
    • Humanitarian Skills for Engineers, RedR
  • Professional Service & Experience
    • Infrastructure and Project Management Expert
    • Civil and Drainage Engineer
    • Civil Engineer
    • Site Civil/Structural Engineer
    • Survey and Planning Officer